[Geelong Advertiser]

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WINCHELSEA. November 20th, 1862.

(From our own correspondent)

On Wednesday evening last a most pleasant and agreeable incident took place here in connexion with this gentleman, who for many years has been the Incumbent of St. Thomas's, Winchelsea. Setting aside the unpresumptious and god-like manner with which this worthy and faithful minister has fulfilled the duties of the holy trust placed in his hands, he has never been known to consider it inconsistent with his dignity, or unbecoming his sacred calling, to take an interest in anything that concerned the well-being of his fellow men. His congregation and parishioners unanimously agreed during the past week to present him with a handsome light carriage and harness as a slight testimony of their respect. In the short space of 6 1/2 hours about 120 subscribers had contributed near £70. One striking feature in the subscription list was that the names only were known, the amount individually given was not known - never will be, - the number of pence that came from the pocket of the working man, or pounds from the purse of the affluent, is for ever a secret; but it is known that the rich who cast their gifts into the treasury went hand in hand with the poor widow who cast in thither two mites; beyond this the right hand knew not what the left hand gave. Another striking feature may be mentioned, namely, that up to half-past the eleventh hour, the Reverend gentleman was in utter ignorance as to the steps taken by his flock. Four o'clock on Wednesday evening was the appointed time for presentation; at that hour about one hundred persons, including ladies, gentlemen, and their families, had assembled.

It was proposed by Charles Beale, Esq , and seconded by J. W. Rout, Esq , that Dr. Henry Meyler should preside. This gentleman having taken the chair, rose and said:- "Ladies and gentlemen, I presume you are all aware for what purpose we have met. Having had for upwa»ds of five years a personal knowledge of the Rev. Mr. Tanner, I can only honestly assure you that nothing ever gave me greater pleasure than that of being allowed to contribute to this testimonial. I say "allowed" as I believe the subscription list has been closed too early, and had it remained open a short time longer there would have been no difficulty in adding a "pair" to the neat and graceful looking carriage now before you. The address is in the hands of Mr W. Stirling. I beg to call upon that gentleman to come forward."

Mr. W. Stirling, junior, rose and said : "Reverend and dear Sir, - I am deputed by upwards of one hundred of my fellow parishioners, the greater portion of whom form part of your congregation, to place before you this address, accompanied with the buggy and harness therein alluded to. I respectfully place in your hands the balance of the sum subscribed. In doing so I would beg to observe that in the whole course of my experience I have never observed such eagerness to rush forward with subscriptions. I say it respectfully, but upon that list are the names of many who, "upon principle," as they term it, generally decline having anything to do with testimonials, but in this case they unsolicited came forward."

The address, which has already appeared in our columns, was here read.

The reverend gentleman having briefly and feelingly returned thanks, essayed to address the persons assembled, but upon such occasions the pale cheek and calm countenance refuse to conceal the inward working of a pent-up spirit, the flood-gates of the soul become too weak to stem back the powerful emotions of an overcharged heart, the tongue refuses to perform its ordained purpose, and utterance is at length choked.

For reasons, which hereafter may possibly be made known, I have endeavoured to ascertain the honest reflex of public opinion respecting this gentleman, (a presumption upon my part) the result is, I fearlessly assert that there breathes not a living soul in connexion with the parish church ot St. Thomas', Winchelsea, but who sincerely prays that the Reverend Edward Tanner may for many years remain the spiritual adviser and guide of themselves, their children, aye and their children's children.

( "Geelong Advertiser" - Victoria - 22 November 1862 )

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( Source of Image: National Library of Australia )

Rev. Edward Tanner

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